Manage your app

You can manage your app directly from the deployed app in your developer view or you can log in to your app dashboard at to view, deploy, delete, reboot, or favorite an app.

Once you have deployed an app you will have a developer view for that app.

Click on the bottom right where it says "Manage app" to view your Cloud logs and other settings.

Developer view

Once you've clicked on "Manage app", you will be able to view your app's logs. This is your primary place to troubleshoot any issues with your app.

Cloud logs

You can also click on the "︙" overflow menu at the bottom of the Cloud logs to view other options for your app including the ability to download logs, reboot the app, delete the app, navigate to settings (which includes managing viewer access and app secrets), go to your app dashboard, go to documentation, contact support, or sign out.

When you first log into you will land on your app dashboard, which gives you a list of all your deployed apps. This list does include apps deployed by other developers in your workspace, since you're all managers of those apps. Such apps are indicated with an icon like this one:

Streamlit Cloud is organized into workspaces, which automatically group your apps according to the corresponding GitHub repository's owner. If you are part of multiple repositories, then you will have multiple workspaces.

App workspaces 1

If an app's GitHub repository is owned by you, the app will appear in your personal workspace, named "<YourGitHubHandle>".

App workspaces 2

If an app's GitHub repository is owned by an organization (such as your company), the app will appear in a separate workspace, named "<GitHubOrganizationHandle>".

App workspaces 3

You will also have access to any workspaces containing app(s) for which you only have view access. These apps will have a "view-only" tooltip when you click on their respective hamburger menus.

App workspaces 4

To switch between workspaces, click on the workspace listed in the top right corner, then select the desired workspace name.

App workspaces 5

If your app needs a hard reboot, click on the "︙" overflow menu to the right of the app and click to Reboot. This will interrupt any user that may currently be using that app. It may also take a few minutes for your app to re-deploy, and in that time you — and anyone visiting the app — will see the 'Your app is in the oven' screen.

Reboot an app

The app settings let you manage viewers of your apps and secrets of your apps. Click on the links to lean more about these features.

Your GitHub repository is the source for the app, so that means that any time you push an update to your repo you'll see it reflected in the app in almost real time. Try it out!

Streamlit also smartly detects whether you touched your dependencies, in which case it will automatically do a full redeploy for you—which will take a little more time. But since most updates don't involve dependency changes, you should usually see your app update in real time.

You can add/remove dependencies at any point by updating requirements.txt (Python deps) or packages.txt (Debian deps) and doing a git push to your remote repo. This will cause Streamlit to detect there was a change in its dependencies, which will automatically trigger its installation.

It is best practice to pin your Streamlit version in requirements.txt. Otherwise, the version may be auto-upgraded at any point without your knowledge, which could lead to undesired results (e.g. when we deprecate a feature in Streamlit).

The exact resources and limits will depend on your workspace plan. If you need more apps or more resources for your apps you can upgrade your plan or reach out to

Developer view

If your app exceeds its resource limits, you will see one of the following messages when you visit your app. If your app uses an older version of Streamlit (<1.1.0) without memory fixes, you will see the message on the left. If your app uses a newer version of Streamlit (>=1.1.0), you will see the message on the right:

Non-developer view

If your app exceeds its resource limits, users with view-only access will see one of the following messages when they visit your app. They will see the message on the left if your app uses an older version of Streamlit (<1.1.0) without memory fixes, and the message on the right if your app uses a newer version of Streamlit (>=1.1.0). Viewers have the option to notify you when the app exceeds its resource limits:

Private apps on Teams or Enterprise plans will not hibernate, but for public and Free tier apps without traffic for 7 consecutive days, will automatically go to sleep. This is done to alleviate resources and allow the best communal use of the platform! Here are some need to know's about how this works:

  • As the app developer, you will receive an email after 5 days of no traffic on your app.
  • If you would like to keep your app awake, you have one of two choices:
    • Visit the app (create traffic).
    • Push a commit to the app (this can be empty!).
  • If left alone the app will go to sleep at the 7 day mark (2 days after you receive the email). When someone visits the app after this, they will see the sleeping page:
  • To wake the app up, press the "Yes, get this app back up!" button. This can be done by anyone who wants to view the app, not just the app developer!
  • You can also wake apps through your Streamlit Cloud dashboard. You will know which apps are sleeping because a moon icon will appear next to the app settings. To wake an app from the dashboard, click the moon.

Streamlit Cloud supports a "favorite" feature that lets you quickly access your apps from the app dashboard. Favorited apps appear at the top of the app dashboard with a yellow star (⭐) beside them. You can favorite and unfavorite apps in any workspace to which you have access.



Favorites are specific to your account. Other members of your workspace cannot see which apps you have favorited.

There are two ways to favorite an app from the app dashboard:

  1. Hover over an app and click the star (☆) that appears.
    Favorite an app hover
  2. Click on the "︙" overflow menu to the app's right and click to Favorite.
    Favorite an app menu

To unfavorite an app, either hover over the app and click the star (⭐) again, or click on the "︙" overflow menu to the app's right and click to Unfavorite.

You can also favorite an app from right within the app! Currently, in-app favoriting is available for apps that use Streamlit v1.4.0 or later. Note that in-app favoriting is not available on apps in your workspaces for which you only have view access.

When viewing any app in your workspace, click the star (☆) in the top-right corner of the app, besides the "☰" hamburger menu.

In-app favoriting

To unfavorite an app, click the star (⭐) again.

In-app un-favoriting


Click here to learn more about upgrading the Streamlit version of your app on Streamlit Cloud.

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